

A common expression that you see or hear during this time of year is ‘Season’s Greetings!’- it’s a generic term that is applied to the holidays.  But that expression got me thinking this year, not about Christmas or New Years Eve, sleigh rides or noise makers, but rather about what the exact words mean- “greetings from this time of year”

. As a believer you hear a lot about how during hard times people say “it’s just a hard season”- the implication being that things suck right now, but that they will get better if you just grit your teeth and get through it. You also hear things like “God has a reason for this” and “God is just stretching you right now”. At which point I usually (secretly) roll my eyes while at the same time nodding my head, automatically saying “oh, of course. I know that.” As though an expression or platitude can make one feel better….or if nothing else, the guilt trip (intended or not) that the person is trying to give you will. Why do we have to pretend that times aren’t hard? Why can’t we own it? This kind of attitude has often made me feel like I’m a bad Christian for not ‘having it all together.’ It can also represent a false or one- dimensional picture of who God is, in my opinion. The idea that we shouldn’t admit that things are hard, paste a manic smile on our face regardless of how exhausted, sad, defeated or confused we are because “God has his reasons” weighs far too heavily on the fact that God is Sovereign and no where near enough on the counter balancing fact that God is Good. Both are true and should always be remembered together, never separate.

We often talk about how God is our Father, and after becoming a parent myself I think I understand a little bit better how when I hurt, my heavenly Father hurts too.For example, Turtle has recently developed some bad diaper rash. She cries when I have to wipe her bottom while changing her sometimes because her skin is irritated, red, and tender. I hate having to do it because I know she’s hurting- but I also know that if I don’t do it, her bottom would be sooo much worse. But I get a pang in my heart every time I see that little face scrunch in discomfort or pain- I am not removed from the situation. I don’t lecture her on how this is for her own good and she shouldn’t be upset because I have good reasons. I know why she’s upset. She’s a baby, and is in the ‘season’ of diaper wearing. It’s true that she won’t always be in this season, and I could tell her “Look, you won’t have to wear diapers forever. Doesn’t that make you feel better?”, but of course I don’t. I pick her up and hold her, kiss her little cheeks and cuddle her. She is dependent on me to know how to care for her (yikes) and she has to trust me. The same goes for us and the Lord. Not because we should blindly accept hardship because he knows what he’s doing, but rather that we have a Father who loves us, even when we can’t understand his sovereign plan.

And while God is indeed sovereign, and Mama of course knows best, let’s not forget that during hard seasons, stating the obvious is not comforting. Sometimes people just want you to know that they’re hurting, and that you care for and love them. Empathy, listening and love are traits of our God that we as believers should emulate, along with speaking the truth about God’s sovereignty. The world is fallen and things hurt. Isn’t it great that we have a creator who not only knows that, but desires our relief from pain and brokenness even more than we do?

The Story Behind Sleepy Turtle, Happy Turtle


I just recently had my first baby. In fact, I’m typing this with one hand while I hold my sweet, sleeping girl with the other. That in itself is a great illustration of how my life has changed in the past few months- my hands, heart, and oh-so-tired brain belong to my little bundle of joy now. I wouldn’t have it any other way, though. This blog is merely meant as an outlet through which to process new motherhood. My world is forever changed- and I want to be able to look back and see the Lord’s faithfulness during thus season of life- the good, the bad, and the spit-up upon. Don’t get me wrong- I’m sure I will have fun things like recipes, DIY projects, and random pieces on my views on current events- but for the most part this blog will be about my new journey navigating this glorious, difficult, blissful, hilarious time of life where I am now known as “Mama”.

On to the reason behind the name of the blog: My whole life I was told that I have a ‘very expressive’ face, and shortly after my daughter was born we discovered that she had inherited this trait. The funniest face she has yet to make is what we call her ‘turtle’ face- when she’s sleepy she purses her lips, cranes her neck forward, and sticks out her little chin just like a turtle does- hence ‘sleepy turtle’. The ‘happy turtle’ comes from how unbelievably smiley our girl is- if shes awake she’s most likely smiling or laughing. So sleepiness and laughter pretty much describes motherhood for me so far….I’ll take it.